Wholesale Affiliate Program

Generate your own Promo Code

Q: Can I give my clients a discount code to use?

A: Yes, you can offer a 10% promo code. If you choose to enable & offer your clients a discount, the discount would come off of your commission. If you offered a 10% discount code, your commission would be 30%. We can edit your “offer” after you’ve signed up for the program on the back end. You can request a change to your “offer” to add a promo code by filling out the form below. Requests will be handled during business hours M-F and can take up to 24 hours to take effect. We will email you when your code is active.

Q: If I change my offer to include a discount code, can the code be set up for a small period of time?

A: Yes, however it is your responsibility to contact us at the time of when you want it to end so that she can edit your offer back to the 40% commission offer. We will not be remembering when you want your discount offer to discontinue, so please contact us the 1-2 days before you want it to end.


Questions? Contact admin@sunnainc.com

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